10 anos de MND - 10 anos de MND
null 10 anos de MND
10 years of the National Sport Museum
2012 - 2022
In 2012, the Museum moved to the Foz Palace.
The official opening took place in July with the exhibition open to the public “100 years of Portuguese participation in the 1912-2012 Olympic Games”
The official opening took place in July with the exhibition open to the public “100 years of Portuguese participation in the 1912-2012 Olympic Games”
PRESERVING the Portuguese sporting heritage: One of the Museum's main missions, promoting its conservation, inventory, documentation, study and communication.
UNDERSTANDING sport: Another of its most important missions for the recognition of the educational, social, cultural, economic, scientific value of sport as a national and universal heritage.
The National Sport Library: Provides the public with a significant collection of the history of sport in Portugal and has a collection of around 60,000 registered items.
RARE BOOKS: Among the most recent and important modern monographs on sport and some copies of particular historical relevance.
COLLECTION: more than 18 thousand objects catalogued. A part of this catalogue is already available online. It consists of a wide variety of objects, grouped according to their function or use.
HISTORIC ARCHIVE with diverse and important collections: It is responsible for the preservation, conservation, management and dissemination of assets of interest to the memory, study and history of Sport.
Its collection consists of varied documentation and some documentary funds.
SOME COLLECTIONS: Photographs by António Capela, Prof. Moniz Pereira, National Register of Sports Clubs and Federations, Philately and Norberto Santos
2012-2022 | IN 10 YEARS:
more than 40 exhibitions
more than 300 events
more than 150 guided tours
more than 42 000 visitors
2014 - The Sports Confederation of Portugal recognized the work developed by the, with the Sports Merit Award – High Prestige
2019 – JAMOR INTERPRETATIVE CENTER – Its goal is to promote the evolution of the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor (CDNJ), in the heritage, landscape, sports, recreational, cultural and environmental aspects.
THE FUTURE is already happening
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