Jamor Interpretative Center

Jamor Interpretative Center
Swimming pool complex of the National Sports Center of Jamor (CDNJ)
77 years ago the National Stadium opened its doors, beginning the history of what is the largest national sports center. The Jamor Interpretative Center, opened in December 2019 in the swimming pool complex of the National Sports Center of Jamor (CDNJ), will be able to monitor the transformation of the space in different aspects: sports, social, cultural, environmental and landscape. It comprises four main centers and one of temporary exhibitions:
• Vale do Jamor: the transformation of the landscape;
• Built Heritage: a sports park - the transformation of the space, the previous and current infrastructures;
• Emotions Space: from leisure to competition - in a timeline, the great moments and events that took place;
• Biodiversity Nucleus: the importance of Mata do Jamor, given the richness of its fauna and flora;
• Temporary exhibitions space.
There is also an area dedicated to the youngest – Kids Zone – where they can play, read or play. Playful activities such as storytelling, workshops, workshops, etc. are planned.
Updated: 05/08/2024
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