8_MÉDIA ARTE curta animada - 8_MÉDIA ARTE curta animada
null 8_MÉDIA ARTE curta animada
Curta de animação
The work «SALTO ALTO» («JUM HIGH or HIGH HEELS, 2024) is the result of artivist work (art and activism) by artist Jaqueline Moreira, which addresses gender inequality in sport.
When two children receive two totally different gifts, this simple act shows us how much these objects demonstrate the need to review the way we treat gender identity in our daily lives and with our children. A simple short that makes us reflect on the need to rethink that gender equality should be present in our children and in all our actions.
Jaqueline Moreira has a degree in Administration, an MBA in Strategic Management, a Master's in Marketing and a PhD in Media and Digital Art.In addition to her academic career, as a teacher and doctoral candidate, she also dedicates herself to writing children's books and illustration. Creator of the audiovisual project “Ana Galocha”, aimed at children, which already has four short films selected for cinema exhibitions, two of which are winners in their categories. Volunteer at the Conímbriga Monographic Museum, in the Multimedia Design area, to find solutions in creating children's material about space.Two of his works were selected and exhibited at ARDES, an international exhibition that will be held in Cyprus, Valencia and Barcelona.
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