Chronology: icons, determination and periodical covers
The Legends of Equality
This section celebrates the Global Legends who transcended cultural barriers and challenged the status quo in sport, in a chronology that begins in Antiquity and spans long centuries to modern times. Explore stories of determination that overcame all challenges spanning decades:
Global Icons: Inspiring figures who have left their mark in the world of sports and in the fight for gender equality.
Stories of Determination: Narratives of athletes who overcame challenges. Outstanding sporting achievements and events that contributed to the reduction of inequality.
Magazines and Newspapers covers: Visitors are invited to literally peel back the countless covers that the athletes have created over many decades. The journey through the chronology thus becomes more interactive.
Objects from the National Sport Museum collection: A selection symbolizes some of the countless achievements and celebrations of achievements and inspirations that have shaped the world of women's sport. They are testimonies of the power of determination that symbolize some milestones and figures in the history of women's sport, such as Fernanda Ribeiro or Elisabete Jacinto.
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